Media Vision Group | MVG
Installation guides and tutorials
The installation checklist below applies to both digital wayfinding products and digital signage products.
Pre-Installation Checklist:
Ensure Power Availability: Before installing, verify that power outlets are present and functional at each installation site.
Check for a 24/7 Power Supply:
Make sure the outlet has a continuous power supply.
Confirm Internet Connectivity:
It's crucial to ensure all internet connections are functional before commencing the actual installation.
Perform MVG Connection Test:
Use the MVG connection test program to test the internet connection. Note that the test program is only compatible with Windows.
Remote Verification:
After each run of the test program, MVG can verify remotely if the connection is working. The technician can also check if traffic is functional.
Connect to Correct Internet Outlet/WiFi:
Prior to running the application, connect your computer to the appropriate internet outlet/WiFi. This allows you to test the ports that the products will use later.
Manual Testing:
If you choose to test the internet manually, ensure that all ports are open. Click here to learn more.
IT Assistance:
Contact the IT department at the site to resolve any issues.
Knowledge of DNS, Gateway, and IP Settings:
In order to troubleshoot and explain any issues, you need to have knowledge of DNS, gateway, and general IP settings.
Security Settings:
To enhance security, it's essential to have knowledge of preferred security settings.